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Temporary Exhibitions

Frank Stella

Jun.28,2003(Sat) - Aug.17,2003(Sun) 


This exhibition retrospects the half-century career of Frank Stella, a famous American abstract artist. Presenting 31 works from the minimal painting period in 1960s, the wall relief and baroque construction period in 1970s and 1980s through to the present, we reveal his whole artistic career to keep on pursuing the possibility of abstraction as to explore new fields of art.

Lecture by Hiromoto Nobuyuki
Jun.29 14:00- /at the Hall

Lecture by Kuroiwa Kyosuke
Jul.20 14:00- /at the Hall

Featured Gallery Talk
(Talk by the guide staff of the Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art)
Jul.26 13:00- /at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery
*Reservation required

Gallery Talk
Jul.4, Aug.1 18:00-/Jul.18, Aug.3, 15, 17 15:00-
at the Temporary Exhibition Gallery

Libary Program - Books on representational paintings in postwar America
Jun.28-Jul.27/at the Reference
  Admission ( ) shows the rate for groups of 20 people or more
Adults 800 (650)yen
Students of Senior High School and University 500 (400)yen
Students of Elementary School and Junior High School 300 (250)yen
*Temporary exhibition tickets cover the admission of the museum collection exhibition.



12-3, Matsuhaba, Motomiya, Morioka, Iwate 020-0866 Japan

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